After Kriging in Perspective

# Create the 9x2 matrix of coordinates
# Slight notation clash to call the coordinates "x" and "y", but this
# will simplify later plotting
coords <- expand.grid(x=c(-1,0,1), y=c(-1,0,1))
# Keep track of which row is the origin (where we want to predict at) <- which(coords$x==0 & coords$y==0)
# Use the built-in function to create distance matrices
distances <- dist(coords) # Euclidean matrix by default
# That returns a special structure w/ just lower-triangular half
distances <- as.matrix(distances)
# Create the matrix of all covariances
covars <- exp(-distances)
# Break it into Cov(Y,Z) and Var(Z)
Cov.YZ <- covars[, -]
Var.Z <- covars[,]
# Find the coefficients
beta <- solve(Var.Z) %*% Cov.YZ
signif(data.frame(coords[,], coef=beta),3)
plot(coords, xlab="longitude", ylab="latitude", type="n")
points(coords[,], col="red")
points(coords[,], cex=10*sqrt(beta))

# Create the 9x2 matrix of coordinates
# Slight notation clash to call the coordinates "x" and "y", but this
# will simplify later plotting
coords <- expand.grid(x=c(0), y=c(-2,-1,0,1,2))
# Keep track of which row is the origin (where we want to predict at) <- which(coords$x==0 & coords$y==0)
# Use the built-in function to create distance matrices
distances <- dist(coords) # Euclidean matrix by default
# That returns a special structure w/ just lower-triangular half
distances <- as.matrix(distances)
# Create the matrix of all covariances
covars <- 10*exp(-distances/8)
# Break it into Cov(Y,Z) and Var(Z)
Cov.YZ <- covars[, -]
Var.Z <- covars[,]
# Find the coefficients
beta <- solve(Var.Z) %*% Cov.YZ
signif(data.frame(coords[,], coef=beta),3)
plot(coords, xlab="longitude", ylab="latitude", type="n")
points(coords[,], col="red")
points(coords[,], cex=10*sqrt(beta))
## Warning in sqrt(beta): NaNs produced